More Info:

Amazon API Gateway APIs should be accessible only through private API endpoints and must not be visible to the public Internet.

Risk Level




Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation

Check Cause

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the API Gateway service.

  2. In the API Gateway dashboard, select the API you want to inspect.

  3. In the API details page, select the “Resources” option from the left-hand side menu. This will display all the resources and methods associated with the selected API.

  4. For each method, click on the method request to view its settings. Under the “Settings” tab, check the “Endpoint Type” field. If it is set to “Edge Optimized” or “Regional”, it means the API is publicly accessible. If it is set to “Private”, it means the API can only be accessed from within your VPC or via a VPC endpoint.

Additional Reading: