More Info:

Ensure that your Kinesis Firehose delivery stream data records are encrypted at destination (i.e. Amazon S3) in order to meet regulatory requirements and protect your Firehose data at rest. The Firehose data records can be encrypted in the destination bucket using an AWS-managed CMK or a KMS Customer Master Key (CMK).

Risk Level



Cost optimization, Operational Maturity, Security

Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the misconfiguration of Firehose Delivery Stream Destination Encryption for AWS DynamoDB using the AWS console, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console: Go to and sign in to your AWS account.

  2. Navigate to Amazon Kinesis: In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Amazon Kinesis service by either searching for it in the search bar or locating it under the “Analytics” section.

  3. Select the Kinesis Data Firehose service: Click on “Kinesis Data Firehose” from the list of services.

  4. Choose your Delivery Stream: Select the specific delivery stream that is connected to the DynamoDB table that you want to remediate.

  5. Edit the Delivery Stream: Click on the “Edit” button to modify the settings of the delivery stream.

  6. Enable Server-Side Encryption: In the “Destination” section, locate the “Server-Side Encryption” option and enable it.

  7. Select the Encryption Type: Choose the appropriate encryption type for your DynamoDB data. You can select either “AWS KMS master key” or “Amazon S3 master key” based on your security requirements.

  8. Configure Encryption Settings: Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the encryption settings, such as selecting the KMS key or S3 key to use for encryption.

  9. Save Changes: Once you have configured the encryption settings, click on the “Save” button to apply the changes to the delivery stream.

  10. Verify Encryption Configuration: After saving the changes, verify that the server-side encryption is enabled for the delivery stream by checking the settings.

By following these steps, you can remediate the misconfiguration of Firehose Delivery Stream Destination Encryption for AWS DynamoDB using the AWS console.

Additional Reading: