More Info:

Ensure that your Amazon SageMaker notebook instances are running inside a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in order to be able to access VPC-only resources such as Amazon EFS file systems or resources which can’t be accessed outside a VPC network. A SageMaker notebook instance is a Machine Learning (ML) compute instance running on Jupyter Notebook software.

Risk Level



Cost optimization, Operational Maturity, Security

Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the misconfiguration of an Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instance in a VPC for AWS DynamoDB, you can follow these step-by-step instructions using the AWS Management Console:

  1. Create a VPC Endpoint for DynamoDB:

    • Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the VPC service.
    • In the VPC dashboard, select “Endpoints” from the left-hand menu.
    • Click on the “Create Endpoint” button.
    • For service category, select “AWS services”.
    • For the service name, choose “com.amazonaws.[region].dynamodb” (replace [region] with the appropriate region where your DynamoDB table is located).
    • Select the VPC where your SageMaker Notebook Instance is located.
    • Choose the route tables where the endpoint should be created.
    • Click on the “Create endpoint” button to create the VPC endpoint for DynamoDB.
  2. Update the Security Group of the SageMaker Notebook Instance:

    • Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the EC2 service.
    • In the EC2 dashboard, click on “Security Groups” from the left-hand menu.
    • Find the security group associated with your SageMaker Notebook Instance.
    • Edit the inbound rules of the security group to allow inbound traffic from the VPC endpoint created for DynamoDB.
    • Add a new inbound rule allowing traffic from the source as the VPC endpoint’s security group and the port used by DynamoDB (default is 443 for HTTPS).
  3. Update the SageMaker Notebook Instance Configuration:

    • Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the SageMaker service.
    • In the SageMaker dashboard, find your Notebook Instance.
    • Click on the Notebook Instance and then click on “Edit”.
    • In the Network configuration section, ensure that the Notebook Instance is configured to use the VPC where the VPC endpoint for DynamoDB is created.
    • Save the changes to update the Notebook Instance configuration.
  4. Test the Connection:

    • Access the SageMaker Notebook Instance and run a test script or code that interacts with the DynamoDB table.
    • Ensure that the Notebook Instance can now successfully connect to and interact with the DynamoDB table without any issues.

By following these steps, you can remediate the misconfiguration of having an Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instance in a VPC for AWS DynamoDB and ensure secure and efficient communication between the two services.

Additional Reading: