More Info:

Ensures that you rotate your certificate before the set configurable days.

Risk Level




Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation

How to Prevent

To prevent the misconfiguration of ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) certificates not being rotated in IAM (Identity and Access Management) using the AWS Management Console, follow these steps:

  1. Monitor Certificate Expiration:

    • Navigate to the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) in the AWS Management Console.
    • Regularly check the expiration dates of your certificates.
    • Set up CloudWatch Alarms to notify you before certificates expire.
  2. Automate Certificate Renewal:

    • Use ACM to automatically renew certificates that are issued by ACM.
    • For certificates not issued by ACM, set up a process to manually renew and upload the new certificates before the old ones expire.
  3. Implement a Certificate Rotation Policy:

    • Establish a policy that defines the frequency of certificate rotation (e.g., every 90 days).
    • Document and enforce this policy within your organization.
  4. Use AWS Config Rules:

    • Enable AWS Config and create a custom rule to check the age of your certificates.
    • Set the rule to trigger an alert or take action if a certificate is nearing its expiration date or has not been rotated within the defined period.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your ELB certificates are regularly rotated and remain up-to-date, thereby enhancing the security of your AWS environment.

Additional Reading: