More Info:

Checks activity of any root user . Using the root account is strongly discouraged for everyday tasks as it carries a high level of privilege and can be risky. Monitoring this activity can help ensure the root account is only being used for authorized purposes.

Risk Level




Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation

How to Prevent

To prevent root account activity from going unmonitored in AWS IAM using the AWS Management Console, follow these steps:

  1. Enable CloudTrail for All Regions:

    • Go to the AWS Management Console.
    • Navigate to the CloudTrail service.
    • Create a new trail or edit an existing one.
    • Ensure that the trail is enabled for all regions to capture all root account activities across your AWS environment.
  2. Set Up CloudWatch Alarms for Root Account Usage:

    • Go to the CloudWatch service in the AWS Management Console.
    • Create a new alarm.
    • Set the metric to monitor root account usage (e.g., AWS/CloudTrail metric for RootAccountUsage).
    • Configure the alarm to send notifications (e.g., via SNS) when root account activity is detected.
  3. Enable AWS Config Rules:

    • Navigate to the AWS Config service in the AWS Management Console.
    • Ensure that AWS Config is enabled and recording.
    • Add a managed rule such as root-account-mfa-enabled to ensure that root account activity is monitored and that MFA is enabled for the root account.
  4. Set Up SNS Notifications for Root Account Activity:

    • Go to the SNS (Simple Notification Service) in the AWS Management Console.
    • Create a new SNS topic.
    • Subscribe your email or SMS to the topic.
    • Configure CloudTrail or CloudWatch to send notifications to this SNS topic whenever root account activity is detected.

By following these steps, you can ensure that any activity involving the root account is closely monitored, helping to maintain the security and integrity of your AWS environment.