More Info:

Ensure that Amazon Secrets Manager service is used in your AWS account to manage access credentials (i.e. secrets) such as API keys, OAuth tokens and database credentials. For example, you can use AWS Secrets Manager to handle database credentials to meet security and compliance requirements in your organization. Secrets Manager provides built-in integrations for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Aurora on Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and can rotate, manage and retrieve credentials for these database types natively.

Risk Level




Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the “Secrets Manager Should Be In Use” misconfiguration in AWS using the AWS console, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to the AWS Secrets Manager service.
  3. Click on the “Create secret” button.
  4. Select the type of secret you want to create (such as “Other type of secrets”).
  5. Enter the details for the secret, such as the secret name and the secret value.
  6. Click on the “Next” button.
  7. Configure the rotation settings for the secret, if applicable.
  8. Click on the “Next” button.
  9. Review the details of the secret.
  10. Click on the “Store” button to create the secret.

Once you have created the secret in AWS Secrets Manager, you can use it in your applications and services to securely store and retrieve sensitive information. Make sure to update your applications and services to use the new secret, and delete any other instances of the sensitive information that may have been stored elsewhere.

Additional Reading: