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Ensure DMS replication task target db has logging enabled

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To remediate the misconfiguration of DMS Replication Task Target DB not having logging enabled for AWS RDS using the AWS console, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Login to AWS Console: Go to the AWS Management Console ( and login using your credentials.

  2. Navigate to RDS Service: Click on the “Services” dropdown menu at the top of the page, select “RDS” under the Database category.

  3. Select the RDS Instance: From the list of RDS instances, select the target database instance for which you want to enable logging.

  4. Enable Logging: In the RDS dashboard for the selected instance, click on the “Modify” button to make changes to the instance configuration.

  5. Enable Enhanced Monitoring: Scroll down to the “Database options” section, find the “Enable Enhanced Monitoring” option, and select the appropriate logging level (e.g., detailed monitoring).

  6. Enable Performance Insights: If needed, scroll down further to the “Performance Insights” section and enable it for better monitoring and troubleshooting.

  7. Review and Apply Changes: Review the changes you have made to ensure that logging is enabled for the RDS instance. Once you are satisfied, click on the “Apply immediately” button to apply the changes.

  8. Monitor Replication Task: After enabling logging for the RDS instance, monitor the DMS Replication Task to ensure that it is now able to replicate data successfully with logging enabled on the target database.

By following these steps, you should be able to remediate the misconfiguration of DMS Replication Task Target DB not having logging enabled for AWS RDS using the AWS console.