More Info:

Idle AWS Redshift clusters should be terminated in order to help lower the cost of your monthly AWS bill.

Risk Level



Cost Optimisation

Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the issue of idle Redshift clusters in AWS, follow these steps using the AWS Management Console:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console: Go to the AWS Management Console ( and sign in using your credentials.

  2. Navigate to Amazon Redshift: From the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Amazon Redshift service by typing “Redshift” in the search bar and selecting it from the options.

  3. Identify Idle Clusters: In the Amazon Redshift dashboard, identify the Redshift clusters that are idle and have no active queries or connections. You can check the “Last Modified” or “Last Backup” timestamps to identify clusters that have been inactive for a long time.

  4. Select the Idle Cluster: Click on the checkbox next to the idle Redshift cluster that you want to terminate.

  5. Terminate the Cluster: Click on the “Clusters” tab at the top of the dashboard and then click on the “Actions” dropdown menu. Select “Delete cluster” from the options.

  6. Confirm Termination: A confirmation window will appear asking you to confirm the termination of the cluster. Enter the cluster identifier in the text box and click on the “Delete” button to confirm.

  7. Monitor Deletion: Once you confirm the deletion, the idle Redshift cluster will start the termination process. Monitor the progress in the Amazon Redshift dashboard until the cluster is successfully terminated.

  8. Repeat if Necessary: Repeat the above steps for any other idle Redshift clusters that need to be terminated to avoid unnecessary costs and resource wastage.

By following these steps, you can remediate the issue of idle Redshift clusters in AWS and ensure that only active clusters are running to optimize costs and resources effectively.

Additional Reading: