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AWS Misconfigurations
- Getting Started with AWS Audit
- Permissions required for Misconfigurations Detection
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- SQS Audit
AWS Config Should Have S3 Bucket Configured
More Info:
Ensure that Amazon Config service is referencing an active S3 bucket in order to save configuration information (history files and snapshots) for auditing purposes.
Risk Level
Compliance Standards
Triage and Remediation
To remediate the misconfiguration of AWS Config not having S3 bucket configured, please follow the below steps:
- Login to your AWS console.
- Navigate to the AWS Config service.
- Click on the “Settings” button in the left navigation pane.
- Scroll down to the “Amazon S3 Bucket” section and click on the “Edit” button.
- Select the S3 bucket that you want to use for storing AWS Config data.
- If you do not have an S3 bucket, create a new one by clicking on the “Create a new S3 bucket” button.
- Enter a unique name for the bucket and select the region where you want to create it.
- Click on the “Create bucket” button to create the S3 bucket.
- After selecting the S3 bucket, click on the “Save” button to save the changes.
Once you have completed these steps, AWS Config will start storing configuration data in the specified S3 bucket. This will remediate the misconfiguration of AWS Config not having S3 bucket configured.
To remediate this misconfiguration in AWS using AWS CLI, you can follow the below steps:
First, you need to install and configure the AWS CLI on your local machine.
Once the AWS CLI is installed, you need to run the following command to enable AWS Config in your AWS account:
aws configservice put-configuration-recorder --configuration-recorder name=default --recording-group allSupported=true --recording-group includeGlobalResourceTypes=true
- After enabling AWS Config, you need to create an S3 bucket to store the AWS Config snapshots. You can use the following command to create an S3 bucket:
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <bucket-name> --region <region-name>
Note: Replace <bucket-name>
and <region-name>
with your desired values.
- Once the S3 bucket is created, you need to configure AWS Config to use this bucket. You can use the following command to configure AWS Config:
aws configservice put-delivery-channel --delivery-channel '{"name":"default","s3BucketName":"<bucket-name>","s3KeyPrefix":"AWSConfig","snsTopicARN":""}'
Note: Replace <bucket-name>
with the name of the S3 bucket you created in step 3.
- Finally, you need to start the AWS Config recorder by running the following command:
aws configservice start-configuration-recorder --configuration-recorder-name default
After following these steps, AWS Config will be properly configured to monitor and record changes to your AWS resources.
To remediate the misconfiguration of AWS Config not having S3 bucket configured, you can follow these steps using Python:
- Create an S3 bucket in the desired region where you want to store the AWS Config data. You can use the following Python code to create an S3 bucket:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
response = s3.create_bucket(Bucket='my-aws-config-bucket', CreateBucketConfiguration={'LocationConstraint': 'us-east-1'})
- Once the S3 bucket is created, you can configure AWS Config to use this S3 bucket as the delivery channel for the configuration data. You can use the following Python code to configure AWS Config:
import boto3
config = boto3.client('config')
response = config.put_delivery_channel(
'name': 'my-aws-config-delivery-channel',
's3BucketName': 'my-aws-config-bucket',
'configSnapshotDeliveryProperties': {
'deliveryFrequency': 'Six_Hours'
- Verify that the AWS Config is properly configured by checking the AWS Config dashboard. You should see the S3 bucket as the delivery channel for the configuration data.
With these steps, you have successfully remediated the misconfiguration of AWS Config not having S3 bucket configured.