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AWS SES identities should be verified in order to prove their ownership and to prevent others from using them. Verifying identities (i.e. ownership confirmation) is an efficient way to prevent people masquerading as other email addresses when they really do not own them.

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Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the misconfiguration of unverified identities in AWS SES (Simple Email Service), follow these steps using the AWS Management Console:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console: Go to the AWS Management Console ( and sign in with your credentials.

  2. Navigate to SES Console: In the AWS Management Console, search for “SES” in the search bar at the top and click on “Simple Email Service” under the Services section.

  3. Verify Email Addresses or Domains:

    • In the SES console, click on the “Email Addresses” or “Domains” option in the left navigation pane, depending on whether the misconfiguration is related to email addresses or domains.
    • You will see a list of email addresses or domains that are not verified.
    • Select the unverified email address or domain that you want to verify by checking the checkbox next to it.
  4. Verify the Identity:

    • Click on the “Verify a New Email Address” or “Verify a New Domain” button, depending on whether you are verifying an email address or a domain.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to verify the selected email address or domain. This usually involves sending a verification email to the email address or updating DNS records for the domain.
  5. Check Verification Status:

    • Once you have completed the verification process, go back to the list of email addresses or domains.
    • The status of the verified identity should now show as “verified” in the console.
  6. Repeat for Other Unverified Identities: If there are other unverified email addresses or domains, repeat the above steps to verify them as well.

  7. Monitor Verification Status: It is recommended to regularly monitor the SES console to ensure that all email addresses and domains used for sending emails are verified.

By following these steps, you can remediate the misconfiguration of unverified identities in AWS SES and ensure that all email addresses and domains are properly verified for sending emails through SES.

Additional Reading: