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Ensure SES malware scanning is enabled

Risk Level




Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the misconfiguration of enabling malware scanning for AWS SES using the AWS console, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console:

  2. Navigate to the Amazon SES Console:

    • In the AWS Management Console, search for “SES” in the search bar or navigate to the “Services” dropdown menu and select “Simple Email Service” under the “Messaging” category.
  3. Enable Malware Scanning:

    • In the Amazon SES console, click on the “Configuration Sets” option in the left-hand menu.
    • Select the configuration set that you want to enable malware scanning for, or create a new configuration set if needed.
    • Click on the “Edit” button next to the configuration set.
  4. Configure Malware Scanning:

    • In the configuration set settings, scroll down to the “Email Sending” section.
    • Look for the “Enable virus scanning” option and make sure it is toggled on.
    • You can also configure other settings related to malware scanning such as the action to take when malware is detected.
  5. Save Changes:

    • Once you have enabled malware scanning and configured the settings, click on the “Save” or “Update” button to apply the changes to the configuration set.
  6. Test the Configuration:

    • To ensure that malware scanning is working correctly, send a test email that contains a known malware attachment or content.
    • Check the SES logs or notifications to verify that the malware scanning feature is detecting and handling the malware appropriately.

By following these steps, you can remediate the misconfiguration of enabling malware scanning for AWS SES using the AWS Management Console.