Event Information

  • The ListStacks event in AWS CloudFormation refers to an API action that allows you to retrieve a list of all existing stacks in a specific AWS account and region.
  • This event can be used to programmatically gather information about the stacks, such as their names, statuses, creation times, and other metadata.
  • By utilizing the ListStacks event, you can automate stack management tasks, perform stack analysis, and integrate CloudFormation with other AWS services or third-party tools.


  1. Exposing sensitive information: When using the ListStacks API in AWS CloudFormation, it is important to ensure that the response does not contain any sensitive information, such as AWS resource names, ARNs, or other identifiers. If this information is exposed, it could potentially be used by malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to resources or perform other malicious activities.

  2. Inadequate access controls: If the ListStacks API is accessible to users or roles with overly permissive permissions, it can lead to security issues. For example, if a user or role has the ability to list stacks across all regions or accounts, it could result in unauthorized access to sensitive information or resources.

  3. Lack of monitoring and auditing: Without proper monitoring and auditing of ListStacks API calls, it becomes difficult to detect and respond to any security incidents or unauthorized access attempts. It is important to have mechanisms in place to track and log all ListStacks API calls, and regularly review these logs for any suspicious or unauthorized activities.


Using Console

  1. Identify the specific issue or vulnerability in the AWS CloudFormation stack by reviewing the event details or error messages.

  2. Access the AWS Management Console and navigate to the AWS CloudFormation service.

  3. Locate the specific stack that needs to be remediated and select it.

  4. In the stack details page, click on the “Events” tab to view the events related to the stack.

  5. Identify the event that indicates the issue or vulnerability that needs to be remediated.

  6. Click on the event to view the event details and understand the root cause of the issue.

  7. Based on the event details, determine the necessary remediation steps. This could involve modifying the CloudFormation template, updating resource configurations, or adjusting security settings.

  8. Once the remediation steps are determined, go back to the stack details page and click on the “Update” button.

  9. In the update stack wizard, choose the option to update the stack using the existing template.

  10. Make the necessary modifications to the template or resource configurations to address the issue identified in the event.

  11. Review the changes and ensure they align with the desired remediation steps.

  12. Proceed with the stack update and monitor the progress of the update.

  13. Once the update is complete, review the stack events to ensure that the issue has been successfully remediated.

  14. If necessary, perform additional testing or validation to confirm that the remediation was effective.

  15. Document the remediation steps taken and any additional actions required for future reference and compliance purposes.

Using CLI

  1. To remediate an AWS CloudFormation issue using AWS CLI, you can use the following commands:
  • aws cloudformation describe-stack-events - This command will provide you with a list of events for a specific stack. You can use this command to identify the specific issue that needs to be remediated.

  • aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources - This command will give you a list of resources associated with a specific stack. You can use this command to identify the resource causing the issue.

  • aws cloudformation update-stack - This command allows you to update a stack by modifying its template or parameters. You can use this command to make the necessary changes to remediate the issue.

  1. To remediate an AWS CloudFormation issue related to IAM permissions, you can use the following commands:
  • aws iam list-roles - This command will provide you with a list of IAM roles in your AWS account. You can use this command to identify the role causing the issue.

  • aws iam attach-role-policy - This command allows you to attach a policy to an IAM role. You can use this command to grant the necessary permissions to the role causing the issue.

  • aws iam update-assume-role-policy - This command allows you to update the trust policy for an IAM role. You can use this command to modify the trust relationships and remediate the issue.

  1. To remediate an AWS CloudFormation issue related to resource creation failure, you can use the following commands:
  • aws cloudformation describe-stack-events - This command will provide you with a list of events for a specific stack. You can use this command to identify the specific resource creation failure.

  • aws cloudformation delete-stack - This command allows you to delete a stack. You can use this command to remove the failed stack and start fresh.

  • aws cloudformation create-stack - This command allows you to create a new stack. You can use this command to recreate the stack and ensure successful resource creation.

Using Python

To remediate AWS CloudFormation issues using Python, you can use the AWS SDK (Boto3) to interact with the CloudFormation service. Here are three examples of how you can remediate common issues:

  1. Rollback a failed stack deployment:
import boto3

def rollback_stack(stack_name):
    client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
    response = client.describe_stack_events(StackName=stack_name)
    events = response['StackEvents']
    failed_event = next((event for event in events if event['ResourceStatus'] == 'CREATE_FAILED'), None)
    if failed_event:
        print(f"Stack deployment failed. Rolling back stack: {stack_name}")
        print(f"No failed events found for stack: {stack_name}")

# Usage
  1. Update a stack with new template:
import boto3

def update_stack(stack_name, template_url):
    client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
    response = client.update_stack(
    print(f"Stack update initiated for stack: {stack_name}")

# Usage
update_stack('my-stack', 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/my-template.yaml')
  1. Delete a stack:
import boto3

def delete_stack(stack_name):
    client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
    response = client.delete_stack(StackName=stack_name)
    print(f"Stack deletion initiated for stack: {stack_name}")

# Usage

Please note that these are just basic examples and you may need to modify them based on your specific requirements and error handling.