Server Side Encryption for Non-Boot Disk using CMK
More Info:
Microsoft Azure provides multiple distinct layers of encryption protection for virtual machine (VM) managed disks. VM managed disks are encrypted with Azure Storage encryption, also known as Server-Side Encryption (SSE), using platform-managed keys (PMK), to protect your data at rest and help you meet your organizational security and compliance commitments. By default, VM managed disk volumes (OS and data disk volumes) use platform-managed encryption keys.
Risk Level
Compliance Standards
Triage and Remediation
Sure, here are the step-by-step instructions to remediate the misconfiguration:
Log in to the Azure portal using your credentials.
Navigate to the virtual machine that has the misconfiguration.
Click on the “Disks” option from the left-hand side menu.
Select the non-boot disk that requires encryption.
Click on the “Disk encryption” option from the top menu.
Select “Customer-managed key” for the encryption type.
Select the key that you want to use for encryption from the list of available keys.
Click on “Save” to apply the changes.
Wait for the encryption process to complete. This may take a few minutes.
Once the encryption process is complete, verify that the disk is now encrypted by checking the “Encryption status” column on the “Disks” page.
Congratulations! You have now successfully remediated the misconfiguration by enabling server-side encryption for the non-boot disk using a customer-managed key in Azure.
To remediate the misconfiguration “Server Side Encryption for Non-Boot Disk using CMK” for AZURE using AZURE CLI, please follow the below steps:
Step 1: Open the Azure CLI on your local machine.
Step 2: Run the following command to list all the disks in your subscription:
az disk list
Step 3: Identify the disk that is not using Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Managed Keys (CMK).
Step 4: Run the following command to enable Server-Side Encryption with CMK for the identified disk:
az disk update --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <disk-name> --encryption-type EncryptionAtRestWithCustomerKey --disk-encryption-key $(az keyvault secret show --vault-name <key-vault-name> --name <key-name> --query id -o tsv)
Note: Replace <resource-group-name>
with the name of the resource group that contains the disk, <disk-name>
with the name of the disk, <key-vault-name>
with the name of the Key Vault, and <key-name>
with the name of the key.
Step 5: Verify that the disk is now using Server-Side Encryption with CMK by running the following command:
az disk show --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <disk-name> --query encryptionSettings.diskEncryptionKey.encryptionType
The output should be EncryptionAtRestWithCustomerKey
Step 6: Repeat the above steps for all the disks in your subscription that are not using Server-Side Encryption with CMK.
By following the above steps, you can remediate the misconfiguration “Server Side Encryption for Non-Boot Disk using CMK” for AZURE using AZURE CLI.
To remediate the misconfiguration of Server Side Encryption for Non-Boot Disk using CMK in AZURE using python, you can follow the below steps:
- Import the required libraries:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient
from import StorageManagementClient
- Authenticate with Azure using DefaultAzureCredential:
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
subscription_id = 'your_subscription_id'
compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)
storage_client = StorageManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)
- Get the list of all the virtual machines in the subscription:
vm_list = compute_client.virtual_machines.list_all()
- Loop through all the virtual machines and get the disks attached to them:
for vm in vm_list:
disk_ids = []
for disk in vm.storage_profile.data_disks:
- Check if the disks have server-side encryption enabled:
for disk_id in disk_ids:
encryption = storage_client.disks.get_encryption_status(disk_id)
if encryption.disk_encryption_key:
print("Disk with ID {} is encrypted with CMK.".format(disk_id))
print("Disk with ID {} is not encrypted with CMK.".format(disk_id))
- If the disk is not encrypted with CMK, enable encryption using the following code:
encryption_set_id = '/subscriptions/{}/resourceGroups/{}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/{}/encryptionKeys/{}/encryptionKeyVersions/{}'.format(subscription_id, resource_group_name, key_vault_name, key_name, key_version)
encryption_settings = storage_client.encryption_services.get(resource_group_name, account_name, 'blob')
encryption_settings.encryption_services[0].key_vault_properties.key_uri = encryption_set_id
storage_client.encryption_services.create_or_update(resource_group_name, account_name, 'blob', encryption_settings)
Note: Replace the placeholders your_subscription_id
, resource_group_name
, key_vault_name
, key_name
, key_version
, and account_name
with your own values.
These steps should help you remediate the misconfiguration of Server Side Encryption for Non-Boot Disk using CMK in AZURE using python.