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GCP Threats
GCP BigQuery Table Snapshots Should Be Taken Frequently For Redundancy
More Info:
Ensure that BigQuery Table Snapshots are taken frequently for redundancy.
Risk Level
Compliance Standards
Triage and Remediation
To remediate the misconfiguration of not taking frequent snapshots of GCP BigQuery tables, follow these steps using the GCP console:
Open the GCP Console and navigate to the BigQuery section.
Click on the dataset that contains the table you want to take snapshots of.
Click on the table you want to take snapshots of.
In the details panel on the right, click on the “Snapshot” tab.
Click on the “Create Snapshot” button.
Enter a name for the snapshot and click “Create”.
Repeat this process periodically to ensure that you have multiple snapshots of your table for redundancy.
Note: You can also automate the process of taking snapshots by using the BigQuery API or by setting up a scheduled snapshot using Cloud Functions or Cloud Scheduler.
To remediate the misconfiguration “GCP BigQuery Table Snapshots Should Be Taken Frequently For Redundancy”, we can use the following steps:
Open the GCP Cloud Shell.
Run the following command to create a snapshot of a BigQuery table:
bq cp <project_id>:<dataset_id>.<table_id> <project_id>:<dataset_id>_<table_id>_snapshot_$(date +%Y%m%d)
Note: Replace <project_id>
, <dataset_id>
and <table_id>
with the appropriate values.
- Schedule a cron job to run this command frequently to take snapshots of the table at regular intervals.
crontab -e
- Add the following line to the crontab file to run the snapshot command every day at midnight:
0 0 * * * bq cp <project_id>:<dataset_id>.<table_id> <project_id>:<dataset_id>_<table_id>_snapshot_$(date +%Y%m%d)
- Save the crontab file and exit.
With these steps, we have remediated the misconfiguration by taking frequent snapshots of the BigQuery table for redundancy.
To remediate the misconfiguration of not taking frequent snapshots of GCP BigQuery tables, you can use the following steps in Python:
- Import the necessary libraries:
from google.cloud import bigquery
from google.cloud.bigquery.table import Table
- Connect to the GCP project and authenticate the user:
client = bigquery.Client(project=<project_id>)
- Get the list of all tables in the dataset:
dataset_ref = client.dataset(<dataset_name>)
tables = client.list_tables(dataset_ref)
- For each table, check if a snapshot exists and if not, create a new snapshot:
for table in tables:
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(table.table_id)
table = Table(table_ref)
snapshot_name = f"{table.table_id}_snapshot"
if not table.snapshot(snapshot_name):
- Set up a cron job to run this script on a regular basis to ensure that snapshots are taken frequently for redundancy.
By following these steps, you can remediate the misconfiguration of not taking frequent snapshots of GCP BigQuery tables and ensure that your data is backed up for redundancy.