Cloudtasks Queue Max Dispatches Per Second Should Be Set
More Info:
Ensure Cloudtasks queue max dispatches per second is set
Risk Level
Operational Maturity, Reliability
Compliance Standards
Triage and Remediation
To remediate the “Cloudtasks Queue Max Dispatches Per Second Should Be Set” misconfiguration for GCP using the GCP console, follow these steps:
Open the GCP console and go to the Cloud Tasks page.
Click on the name of the queue that you want to remediate.
Click on the “Edit Queue” button.
In the “Rate Limits” section, set the “Max Dispatches Per Second” value to a suitable value based on your needs.
Click on the “Save” button to save the changes.
Verify that the changes have been applied by checking the queue configuration.
Note: It is recommended to set a value for “Max Dispatches Per Second” that is appropriate for the workload and resources available to avoid overloading the system.
To remediate the “Cloudtasks Queue Max Dispatches Per Second Should Be Set” misconfiguration for GCP using GCP CLI, follow these steps:
Open the Cloud Shell in the GCP Console.
Use the following command to get a list of all the Cloud Tasks queues in your project:
gcloud tasks queues list
Choose the queue for which you want to set the maximum dispatches per second.
Use the following command to set the maximum dispatches per second for the chosen queue:
gcloud tasks queues update [QUEUE_NAME] --max-dispatches-per-second=[VALUE]
Replace [QUEUE_NAME] with the name of the chosen queue and [VALUE] with the desired maximum dispatches per second.
For example, to set the maximum dispatches per second for a queue named “my-queue” to 10, use the following command:
gcloud tasks queues update my-queue --max-dispatches-per-second=10
Verify that the maximum dispatches per second has been set for the queue by using the following command:
gcloud tasks queues describe [QUEUE_NAME]
Replace [QUEUE_NAME] with the name of the chosen queue.
The output of this command will include the “maxDispatchesPerSecond” field, which should now be set to the value you specified.
To remediate the Cloudtasks Queue Max Dispatches Per Second Should Be Set issue in GCP using Python, you can follow these steps:
- Install the required libraries:
pip install google-cloud-tasks
- Authenticate with GCP:
from google.oauth2 import service_account
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
- Create a Cloud Tasks client:
from import tasks_v2
client = tasks_v2.CloudTasksClient(credentials=credentials)
- Get the queue:
queue_name = 'projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/queues/{queue_id}'.format(
queue = client.get_queue(name=queue_name)
- Update the queue:
queue.rate_limits.max_dispatches_per_second = 100 # set your desired value here
client.update_queue(queue=queue, update_mask={'paths': ['rate_limits.max_dispatches_per_second']})
This will update the Cloudtasks queue’s max dispatches per second value to the desired value (in this case, 100). You can adjust the value as per your requirements.