More Info:

Minimize or restrict principals which can modify infrastructure.

Risk Level




Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the misconfiguration “Principals with Infrastructure modification capabilities” in GCP using the GCP console, follow these steps:

  1. Open the GCP console by visiting the GCP Console URL ( and logging in with your GCP account credentials.

  2. In the GCP console, navigate to the IAM & Admin page by clicking on the navigation menu icon (☰) in the top-left corner and selecting “IAM & Admin” under the “IAM” section.

  3. On the IAM & Admin page, you will see a list of IAM roles and permissions. Review the existing roles and identify any roles that grant infrastructure modification capabilities (e.g., roles like “Editor” or “Owner”).

  4. Click on the role that you want to modify, such as the “Editor” role, to view its details.

  5. In the role details, click on the “Permissions” tab to see the list of permissions associated with the role.

  6. Review the permissions and identify any permissions that grant infrastructure modification capabilities. For example, permissions like “compute.instances.create” or “compute.instances.delete” allow the creation or deletion of instances.

  7. To remediate the misconfiguration, you have two options: a. Remove the problematic role from the user or service account: If you find a user or service account assigned to the role with infrastructure modification capabilities, click on the “Members” tab in the role details. Locate the user or service account and click on the “X” icon next to their name to remove the role assignment. b. Modify the role’s permissions: If you want to keep the role but remove specific infrastructure modification permissions, click on the “Edit” button at the top of the role details page. In the permissions list, uncheck the checkboxes next to the permissions that grant infrastructure modification capabilities. Click “Save” to apply the changes.

  8. Repeat steps 4-7 for any other roles that grant infrastructure modification capabilities.

  9. Once you have remediated all the roles, review the remaining roles to ensure that only necessary permissions are assigned to each role.

By following these steps, you can remediate the misconfiguration “Principals with Infrastructure modification capabilities” in GCP using the GCP console.