Alias IP Ranges Should Be Enabled
More Info:
Ensures all Kubernetes clusters have alias IP ranges enabled. Alias IP ranges allow users to assign ranges of internal IP addresses as alias to a network interface.
Risk Level
Compliance Standards
Triage and Remediation
To remediate the “Alias IP Ranges Should Be Enabled” misconfiguration for GCP using the GCP console, follow these steps:
Open the GCP console and navigate to the VPC network that you want to remediate.
Click on the “Edit” button next to the VPC network.
Scroll down to the “Subnet” section and click on the subnet that you want to remediate.
Click on the “Edit” button next to the subnet.
In the “Secondary IP ranges” section, click on the “Add secondary IP range” button.
Enter a name for the secondary IP range and specify the IP address range that you want to use.
Click on the “Save” button to save the changes.
Repeat steps 5-7 for any additional secondary IP ranges that you want to add.
Click on the “Save” button to save the changes to the subnet.
Repeat steps 3-9 for any additional subnets that you want to remediate.
By following these steps, you have enabled the “Alias IP Ranges” feature for the selected subnets in your GCP VPC network.
To remediate the “Alias IP Ranges Should Be Enabled” misconfiguration in GCP using GCP CLI, follow these steps:
Open the Cloud Shell in the GCP Console.
Run the following command to list all the VPC networks in your project:
gcloud compute networks list
Identify the VPC network for which you want to enable alias IP ranges.
Run the following command to enable alias IP ranges for the identified VPC network:
gcloud compute networks update [NETWORK_NAME] --enable-ip-alias
with the name of the identified VPC network. -
Verify that alias IP ranges have been enabled for the VPC network by running the following command:
gcloud compute networks describe [NETWORK_NAME] --format="table(aliasIpRanges)"
with the name of the identified VPC network.The command should return a table with the alias IP ranges for the VPC network.
Repeat steps 3-5 for all other VPC networks in your project.
By following these steps, you will have successfully remediated the “Alias IP Ranges Should Be Enabled” misconfiguration in GCP using GCP CLI.
To remediate the misconfiguration “Alias IP Ranges Should Be Enabled” in GCP using Python, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Import the necessary libraries and authenticate to GCP.
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
service = build('compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
Step 2: Get the list of all subnetworks in the project.
project = 'your-project-id'
subnetworks = service.subnetworks().list(project=project).execute()
Step 3: For each subnetwork, check if Alias IP Ranges is enabled. If not, enable it.
for subnetwork in subnetworks['items']:
subnetwork_name = subnetwork['name']
region = subnetwork['region'].split('/')[-1]
subnetwork_selfLink = subnetwork['selfLink']
subnetwork_obj = service.subnetworks().get(project=project, region=region, subnetwork=subnetwork_name).execute()
if 'enableFlowLogs' not in subnetwork_obj or not subnetwork_obj['enableFlowLogs']:
subnetwork_obj['enableFlowLogs'] = True
update_mask = 'enableFlowLogs'
service.subnetworks().patch(project=project, region=region, subnetwork=subnetwork_name, body=subnetwork_obj, updateMask=update_mask).execute()
Step 4: Verify that the Alias IP Ranges is enabled for all subnetworks.
for subnetwork in subnetworks['items']:
subnetwork_name = subnetwork['name']
region = subnetwork['region'].split('/')[-1]
subnetwork_selfLink = subnetwork['selfLink']
subnetwork_obj = service.subnetworks().get(project=project, region=region, subnetwork=subnetwork_name).execute()
if 'enableFlowLogs' not in subnetwork_obj or not subnetwork_obj['enableFlowLogs']:
print(f"Alias IP Ranges is not enabled for subnetwork {subnetwork_name}")
print(f"Alias IP Ranges is enabled for subnetwork {subnetwork_name}")
This should remediate the misconfiguration “Alias IP Ranges Should Be Enabled” in GCP using Python.