More Info:

Ensures all Kubernetes clusters have network policy enabled. Kubernetes network policy creates isolation between cluster pods, this creates a more secure environment with only specified connections allowed.

Risk Level




Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the misconfiguration of “Network Policy Should Be Enabled” in GCP using GCP console, please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to your GCP console.
  2. Navigate to the VPC Network page.
  3. Click on the VPC network that you want to remediate.
  4. Click on the Firewall rules tab.
  5. Click on the Create Firewall Rule button.
  6. Enter a name for the firewall rule.
  7. In the Targets section, select the network that you want to apply the firewall rule to.
  8. In the Source filter section, select the IP ranges that you want to allow or block.
  9. In the Protocols and ports section, specify the protocols and ports that you want to allow or block.
  10. In the Action section, select the action that you want to take on the traffic that matches the firewall rule.
  11. Click on the Create button to create the firewall rule.

By following the above steps, you will be able to remediate the misconfiguration of “Network Policy Should Be Enabled” in GCP using GCP console.

Additional Reading: