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Ensured that SSL certificates are rotated after every 90 days

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Compliance Standards


Triage and Remediation


To remediate the misconfiguration of not rotating the SSL certificate for a database in GCP after every 90 days, you can follow these steps using the GCP console:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console and select the project that contains the database that needs to be remediated.

  2. Navigate to the Cloud SQL instances page and select the instance that needs to be remediated.

  3. Click on the “Edit” button at the top of the page to edit the instance settings.

  4. Scroll down to the “SSL” section and click on “Change” next to “Server Certificate”.

  5. Select the option to “Create a new certificate” and enter the required information, such as the certificate name and the certificate expiration date.

  6. Click on “Create” to generate the new SSL certificate.

  7. Once the new certificate is created, click on “Save” to save the changes to the database instance.

  8. Finally, set up a reminder or schedule to rotate the SSL certificate every 90 days to ensure that the certificate is always up-to-date.

By following these steps, you can remediate the misconfiguration of not rotating the SSL certificate for a database in GCP after every 90 days.

Additional Reading: