Event Information

  • The google.cloud.apigateway.v1.ApiGatewayService.UpdateApiConfig event in GCP for APIGateway indicates that an API configuration has been updated in the API Gateway service.
  • This event signifies a change in the configuration settings of an API, such as modifying authentication methods, enabling/disabling features, or updating routing rules.
  • It is important to monitor this event to track any changes made to the API configuration and ensure that the updates align with the desired behavior and security requirements of the APIGateway service.


  1. Unauthorized access: If security is impacted with google.cloud.apigateway.v1.ApiGatewayService.UpdateApiConfig in GCP for APIGateway, it could potentially allow unauthorized access to the API configuration. This could lead to sensitive data exposure or unauthorized modifications to the API configuration, potentially compromising the security of the API and its associated resources.

  2. Insecure API configurations: A security impact could occur if the UpdateApiConfig operation in GCP for APIGateway allows insecure API configurations. For example, if the operation allows the use of weak or outdated encryption algorithms, it could expose sensitive data transmitted through the API to potential attackers. It is important to ensure that the API configuration enforces strong security measures, such as using modern encryption algorithms and secure communication protocols.

  3. Misconfiguration vulnerabilities: Another security impact could arise from misconfigurations in the APIGateway service during the UpdateApiConfig operation. For instance, if the operation allows the modification of access control settings without proper validation, it could result in unintended access permissions or privilege escalation. It is crucial to implement proper validation and access control mechanisms to prevent misconfigurations that could lead to security vulnerabilities.


Using Console

  1. Enable API Gateway Logging:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the API Gateway page.
    • Select the API Gateway instance for which you want to enable logging.
    • Click on the “Edit” button.
    • In the “Logging” section, enable the “Enable Logging” option.
    • Choose the desired log level (e.g., INFO, DEBUG) and log format (e.g., JSON, TEXT).
    • Click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.
  2. Implement Rate Limiting:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the API Gateway page.
    • Select the API Gateway instance for which you want to implement rate limiting.
    • Click on the “Edit” button.
    • In the “Rate Limiting” section, enable the “Enable Rate Limiting” option.
    • Specify the maximum number of requests allowed per minute or per second.
    • Optionally, configure the response status code and message for exceeded limits.
    • Click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.
  3. Implement Authentication and Authorization:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the API Gateway page.
    • Select the API Gateway instance for which you want to implement authentication and authorization.
    • Click on the “Edit” button.
    • In the “Authentication” section, enable the desired authentication method (e.g., API key, OAuth 2.0).
    • Configure the authentication settings, such as API key restrictions or OAuth 2.0 scopes.
    • In the “Authorization” section, enable the desired authorization method (e.g., IAM, Firebase Auth).
    • Configure the authorization settings, such as IAM roles or Firebase Auth rules.
    • Click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.

Using CLI

To remediate the issues in GCP API Gateway using GCP CLI, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enable logging for API Gateway:

    • Use the following command to enable logging for API Gateway:
      gcloud logging sinks create [SINK_NAME] \
      --project=[PROJECT_ID] \
      --log-filter='resource.type="apigateway.googleapis.com/Api" severity>=ERROR' \
    • Replace [SINK_NAME] with a name for the sink, [PROJECT_ID] with your GCP project ID, and [DESTINATION] with the destination for the logs (e.g., Cloud Storage bucket or BigQuery dataset).
  2. Set up monitoring for API Gateway:

    • Use the following command to create a uptime check for API Gateway:
      gcloud alpha monitoring uptime-checks create [CHECK_NAME] \
      --project=[PROJECT_ID] \
      --display-name="[DISPLAY_NAME]" \
      --resource-type=api \
      --monitored-resource="api_id=[API_ID],location=[LOCATION]" \
      --http-check-path=[CHECK_PATH] \
      --http-check-port=[CHECK_PORT] \
      --period=[CHECK_PERIOD] \
      --timeout=[CHECK_TIMEOUT] \
    • Replace [CHECK_NAME] with a name for the uptime check, [PROJECT_ID] with your GCP project ID, [DISPLAY_NAME] with a display name for the check, [API_ID] with the ID of your API Gateway, [LOCATION] with the location of your API Gateway, [CHECK_PATH] with the path to check, [CHECK_PORT] with the port to check, [CHECK_PERIOD] with the check period in seconds, [CHECK_TIMEOUT] with the check timeout in seconds, and [CONTENT_MATCHERS] with any content matchers to validate the response.
  3. Implement access controls for API Gateway:

    • Use the following command to add IAM policies for API Gateway:
      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] \
      --member=[MEMBER] \
    • Replace [PROJECT_ID] with your GCP project ID, [MEMBER] with the member to add the IAM policy for (e.g., user or service account), and [ROLE] with the desired role for the member.

Note: Make sure to replace the placeholders in the commands with the appropriate values specific to your GCP environment.

Using Python

To remediate the issues mentioned in the previous response for GCP API Gateway using Python, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enable VPC Service Controls:

    • Use the google-cloud-securitycenter library to enable VPC Service Controls for the API Gateway.
    • You can use the update_service method to update the API Gateway service configuration and enable VPC Service Controls.
    • Here’s an example Python script:
    from google.cloud import securitycenter
    client = securitycenter.SecurityCenterClient()
    # Get the API Gateway service
    service = client.get_service(service_name="projects/{project_id}/services/{service_id}")
    # Enable VPC Service Controls
    service.vpc_enabled = True
    # Update the service configuration
  2. Implement Cloud Audit Logging:

    • Use the google-cloud-logging library to enable Cloud Audit Logging for the API Gateway.
    • You can use the set_service_logging method to configure the logging options for the API Gateway service.
    • Here’s an example Python script:
    from google.cloud import logging_v2
    client = logging_v2.LoggingServiceV2Client()
    # Set the logging options for the API Gateway service
    service_name = "projects/{project_id}/services/{service_id}"
    log_name = "projects/{project_id}/logs/{log_id}"
    client.set_service_logging(service_name=service_name, log_name=log_name)
  3. Implement Identity and Access Management (IAM) controls:

    • Use the google-cloud-iam library to manage IAM policies for the API Gateway.
    • You can use the set_iam_policy method to set the IAM policy for the API Gateway service.
    • Here’s an example Python script:
    from google.cloud import iam
    client = iam.IAMClient()
    # Set the IAM policy for the API Gateway service
    resource = "projects/{project_id}/services/{service_id}"
    policy = {
        "bindings": [
                "role": "roles/{role_id}",
                "members": ["user:{user_email}"]
    client.set_iam_policy(request={"resource": resource, "policy": policy})

Please note that the placeholders {project_id}, {service_id}, {log_id}, {role_id}, and {user_email} should be replaced with the actual values specific to your GCP environment.