Event Information

  • The google.cloud.functions.v1.CloudFunctionsService.DeleteFunction event in GCP for CloudFunctions indicates that a function has been deleted from the CloudFunctions service.
  • This event is triggered when a user or an automated process initiates the deletion of a function.
  • The event provides information about the function that was deleted, such as its name and the project it belongs to.


  • Unauthorized access: If the DeleteFunction operation in GCP CloudFunctions is not properly secured, it can potentially allow unauthorized users to delete functions. This can lead to the loss of critical business logic and sensitive data stored within the functions.

  • Data breaches: If an attacker gains access to the DeleteFunction operation, they can delete functions that contain sensitive data. This can result in a data breach, compromising the confidentiality and integrity of the data stored within the functions.

  • Denial of Service (DoS) attacks: If an attacker repeatedly triggers the DeleteFunction operation, it can lead to a DoS attack, causing the functions to be unavailable. This can impact the availability and performance of the application or service relying on these functions, potentially leading to financial losses and reputational damage.


Using Console

  1. Identify the specific security issue or vulnerability in the GCP CloudFunctions using the GCP console. This can be done by reviewing the logs, monitoring alerts, or conducting a security assessment.

  2. Once the issue is identified, access the GCP console and navigate to the CloudFunctions section.

  3. Select the specific CloudFunction that needs to be remediated and click on it to access its configuration settings.

  4. Review the configuration settings and ensure that the necessary security measures are in place. This may include:

    • Enabling VPC Service Controls to restrict access to the CloudFunction within a specific VPC network.
    • Configuring Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions to control who can invoke or modify the CloudFunction.
    • Implementing Cloud Audit Logging to track and monitor any changes or activities related to the CloudFunction.
    • Enabling Cloud Security Scanner to automatically detect and fix common vulnerabilities in the CloudFunction’s code.
  5. Make the necessary changes to the CloudFunction’s configuration based on the identified security issue. This may involve modifying the IAM roles, enabling specific security features, or updating the code.

  6. Test the remediated CloudFunction to ensure that it is functioning as expected and that the security issue has been resolved.

  7. Monitor the CloudFunction’s logs and alerts to ensure that there are no further security issues or vulnerabilities.

  8. Regularly review and update the security measures for the CloudFunction to stay proactive against any potential security threats or vulnerabilities.

Using CLI

  1. Enable VPC Service Controls for Cloud Functions:
  • Use the following command to enable VPC Service Controls for Cloud Functions:
    gcloud beta services vpc-peerings connect \
    --service=servicenetworking.googleapis.com \
    --network=projects/[PROJECT_ID]/global/networks/[NETWORK_NAME] \
  1. Implement IAM Roles and Permissions:
  • Use the following command to grant the necessary IAM roles and permissions to the Cloud Functions service account:
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] \
    --member=serviceAccount:[SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL] \
  1. Enable Cloud Audit Logging for Cloud Functions:
  • Use the following command to enable Cloud Audit Logging for Cloud Functions:
    gcloud logging sinks create [SINK_NAME] \
    storage.googleapis.com/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/buckets/[BUCKET_NAME] \

Using Python

To remediate the issues mentioned in the previous response for GCP Cloud Functions using Python, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enable VPC Service Controls:

    • Use the google-cloud-vpc-access library to create a connector between your VPC network and the Cloud Function.
    • Modify your Cloud Function code to use the connector to access resources within the VPC network.
  2. Implement Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles:

    • Use the google-cloud-iam library to programmatically manage IAM roles for your Cloud Functions.
    • Create a service account with the necessary permissions and assign it to the Cloud Function.
  3. Implement Cloud Audit Logging:

    • Use the google-cloud-logging library to enable Cloud Audit Logging for your Cloud Functions.
    • Modify your Cloud Function code to log relevant events using the library.

Please note that the provided steps are high-level guidelines, and you may need to adapt them based on your specific requirements and the structure of your code.