Event Information

  • The Encrypt event in GCP for CloudKMS refers to the process of encrypting data using a key stored in Cloud Key Management Service (CloudKMS).
  • When an Encrypt event occurs, it means that a client has requested CloudKMS to encrypt a piece of data using a specific key.
  • This event ensures that sensitive data is protected by encrypting it with a key managed by CloudKMS, providing an additional layer of security for data at rest or in transit.


  • Encrypting data with CloudKMS in GCP can impact security by providing an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access. This helps to mitigate the risk of data breaches and unauthorized data exposure.
  • By encrypting data with CloudKMS, organizations can ensure that sensitive information remains confidential, even if it is accidentally or maliciously accessed by unauthorized individuals.
  • Encrypting data with CloudKMS can also help organizations meet compliance requirements by providing a secure method for protecting sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII) or financial data.


Using Console

To remediate the issues mentioned in the previous response for GCP CloudKMS using the GCP console, you can follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Enable Key Rotation:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the CloudKMS page.
    • Select the key ring that contains the key you want to rotate.
    • Click on the key you want to rotate.
    • In the key details page, click on the “Edit” button.
    • Under the “Rotation” section, enable key rotation by toggling the switch to “On”.
    • Set the rotation period according to your organization’s security requirements.
    • Click on “Save” to apply the changes.
  2. Enable Key Versioning:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the CloudKMS page.
    • Select the key ring that contains the key you want to enable versioning for.
    • Click on the key you want to enable versioning for.
    • In the key details page, click on the “Edit” button.
    • Under the “Versioning” section, enable key versioning by toggling the switch to “On”.
    • Click on “Save” to apply the changes.
  3. Enable Key Usage Audit Logging:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the CloudKMS page.
    • Select the key ring that contains the key you want to enable audit logging for.
    • Click on the key you want to enable audit logging for.
    • In the key details page, click on the “Edit” button.
    • Under the “Audit logging” section, enable key usage audit logging by toggling the switch to “On”.
    • Choose the desired audit log destination (e.g., Cloud Storage, BigQuery).
    • Click on “Save” to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can remediate the mentioned issues in GCP CloudKMS using the GCP console.

Using CLI

To remediate the issues mentioned in the previous response for GCP CloudKMS using GCP CLI, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enable automatic key rotation:

    • Use the gcloud command to enable automatic key rotation for a key ring:
      gcloud kms keyrings update [KEY_RING_NAME] --location=[LOCATION] --rotation-period=[ROTATION_PERIOD]
      Replace [KEY_RING_NAME] with the name of the key ring, [LOCATION] with the location of the key ring, and [ROTATION_PERIOD] with the desired rotation period in seconds.
  2. Implement IAM best practices:

    • Use the gcloud command to grant the least privilege access to users or service accounts:
      gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding [KEY_NAME] --location=[LOCATION] --keyring=[KEY_RING_NAME] --member=[MEMBER] --role=[ROLE]
      Replace [KEY_NAME] with the name of the key, [LOCATION] with the location of the key ring, [KEY_RING_NAME] with the name of the key ring, [MEMBER] with the user or service account email, and [ROLE] with the desired IAM role.
  3. Enable key versioning:

    • Use the gcloud command to enable key versioning for a key:
      gcloud kms keys versions enable [KEY_VERSION] --location=[LOCATION] --keyring=[KEY_RING_NAME] --key=[KEY_NAME]
      Replace [KEY_VERSION] with the version number of the key, [LOCATION] with the location of the key ring, [KEY_RING_NAME] with the name of the key ring, and [KEY_NAME] with the name of the key.

Note: Make sure to replace the placeholders in the commands with the actual values specific to your GCP environment.

Using Python

To remediate the issues mentioned in the previous response for GCP CloudKMS using Python, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enable Key Rotation:
    • Use the google-cloud-kms Python library to retrieve the list of keys in your CloudKMS keyring.
    • Iterate through the keys and check their rotation period using the rotation_period property.
    • If the rotation period is not set or is greater than the desired value, update the key’s rotation period using the update_key method.
from google.cloud import kms_v1

def enable_key_rotation(project_id, location_id, keyring_id):
    client = kms_v1.KeyManagementServiceClient()
    parent = client.key_ring_path(project_id, location_id, keyring_id)

    keys = client.list_crypto_keys(parent)
    for key in keys:
        if not key.rotation_period:
            key.rotation_period = "86400s"  # Set desired rotation period (e.g., 1 day)
            update_mask = {"paths": ["rotation_period"]}
            client.update_crypto_key(key, update_mask)
  1. Enable Key Versioning:
    • Use the google-cloud-kms Python library to retrieve the list of keys in your CloudKMS keyring.
    • Iterate through the keys and check if versioning is enabled using the version_template property.
    • If versioning is not enabled, update the key’s version template to enable it using the update_key method.
from google.cloud import kms_v1

def enable_key_versioning(project_id, location_id, keyring_id):
    client = kms_v1.KeyManagementServiceClient()
    parent = client.key_ring_path(project_id, location_id, keyring_id)

    keys = client.list_crypto_keys(parent)
    for key in keys:
        if not key.version_template:
            key.version_template = {"algorithm": kms_v1.CryptoKeyVersion.CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm.GOOGLE_SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION}
            update_mask = {"paths": ["version_template"]}
            client.update_crypto_key(key, update_mask)
  1. Enable Key Usage Audit Logging:
    • Use the google-cloud-kms Python library to retrieve the list of keys in your CloudKMS keyring.
    • Iterate through the keys and check if usage logging is enabled using the logging_config property.
    • If usage logging is not enabled, update the key’s logging configuration to enable it using the update_crypto_key method.
from google.cloud import kms_v1

def enable_key_usage_logging(project_id, location_id, keyring_id):
    client = kms_v1.KeyManagementServiceClient()
    parent = client.key_ring_path(project_id, location_id, keyring_id)

    keys = client.list_crypto_keys(parent)
    for key in keys:
        if not key.logging_config:
            key.logging_config = {"audit_log_configs": [{"log_type": kms_v1.CryptoKeyVersion.CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm.GOOGLE_SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION}]}
            update_mask = {"paths": ["logging_config"]}
            client.update_crypto_key(key, update_mask)

Please note that you need to replace project_id, location_id, and keyring_id with the appropriate values for your CloudKMS setup.