Event Information

  • The v1.compute.subnetworks.setIamPolicy event in GCP for Compute refers to a change in the IAM (Identity and Access Management) policy for a subnetwork in the Compute Engine service.
  • This event indicates that the IAM policy for a specific subnetwork has been modified, granting or revoking permissions for users, groups, or service accounts.
  • It is important to monitor this event as it can help track any changes made to the access control settings of a subnetwork, ensuring the security and compliance of the network infrastructure.


  1. Unauthorized access: If the v1.compute.subnetworks.setIamPolicy permission is misconfigured or granted to unauthorized users or service accounts, it can lead to unauthorized access to the Compute Engine subnetworks. This can result in potential data breaches or unauthorized modifications to the network configuration.

  2. Privilege escalation: If an attacker gains access to the v1.compute.subnetworks.setIamPolicy permission, they can potentially escalate their privileges within the GCP environment. They can modify the IAM policies of subnetworks to grant themselves additional permissions or access to resources they should not have, compromising the overall security of the environment.

  3. Resource exposure: Improper usage of the v1.compute.subnetworks.setIamPolicy permission can lead to unintended exposure of sensitive resources. For example, if a user mistakenly grants overly permissive IAM policies to a subnetwork, it may expose critical resources or services to unauthorized users, increasing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access.


Using Console

To remediate the issues mentioned in the previous response for GCP Compute using the GCP console, you can follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Enable VPC Flow Logs:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the VPC network page.
    • Select the VPC network where you want to enable flow logs.
    • Click on “Edit” at the top of the page.
    • Scroll down to the “Flow logs” section and click on “Enable flow logs”.
    • Configure the desired flow log settings, such as the filter, flow sampling, and destination.
    • Click on “Save” to enable VPC flow logs for the selected VPC network.
  2. Enable CloudTrail for GCP:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the CloudTrail page.
    • Click on “Create a new trail” to create a new CloudTrail configuration.
    • Provide a name for the trail and select the GCP project where you want to enable CloudTrail.
    • Configure the desired settings, such as the storage location, log file validation, and event selectors.
    • Click on “Create” to enable CloudTrail for the selected GCP project.
  3. Enable Security Center for GCP:

    • Go to the GCP Console and navigate to the Security Command Center page.
    • Click on “Enable Security Command Center” to enable Security Center for your GCP project.
    • Configure the desired settings, such as the organization, billing account, and location.
    • Click on “Enable” to enable Security Center for the selected GCP project.

These steps will help you remediate the mentioned issues by enabling VPC flow logs, CloudTrail for GCP, and Security Center for GCP using the GCP console.

Using CLI

  1. Enable VPC Flow Logs for GCP Compute instances:

    • Use the following command to enable VPC Flow Logs for a specific subnet:
      gcloud compute networks subnets update [SUBNET_NAME] --enable-flow-logs
  2. Restrict SSH access to GCP Compute instances:

    • Create a new firewall rule to allow SSH access only from specific IP ranges:
      gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-ssh --allow tcp:22 --source-ranges [IP_RANGE]
    • Apply the firewall rule to the desired GCP Compute instances:
      gcloud compute instances add-tags [INSTANCE_NAME] --tags allow-ssh
  3. Enable automatic OS patch management for GCP Compute instances:

    • Create a patch management policy:
      gcloud compute os-config patch-policies create [POLICY_NAME] --os-filter=[OS_FILTER] --patch-window-start=[START_TIME] --patch-window-duration=[DURATION]
    • Apply the patch management policy to the desired GCP Compute instances:
      gcloud compute instances add-metadata [INSTANCE_NAME] --metadata patch-policy=[POLICY_NAME]

Using Python

To remediate the issues mentioned in the previous response for GCP Compute using Python, you can use the following approaches:

  1. Enforce secure OS configurations:

    • Use the google-cloud-sdk library to retrieve the list of GCP Compute instances.
    • Iterate through each instance and check the OS configuration settings.
    • Use the googleapiclient library to update the instance settings and enforce secure configurations.
    • Example Python script:
      from google.cloud import compute_v1
      def enforce_secure_os_config(project_id):
          compute_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()
          instances = compute_client.list(project=project_id)
          for instance in instances:
              # Check OS configuration settings
              if instance.os_config.secure_boot == False:
                  # Update instance settings to enforce secure boot
                  instance.os_config.secure_boot = True
                  compute_client.update(project=project_id, instance=instance)
  2. Implement network security controls:

    • Use the google-cloud-sdk library to retrieve the list of GCP Compute instances.
    • Iterate through each instance and check the network security controls.
    • Use the googleapiclient library to update the instance settings and implement necessary network security controls.
    • Example Python script:
      from google.cloud import compute_v1
      def implement_network_security_controls(project_id):
          compute_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()
          instances = compute_client.list(project=project_id)
          for instance in instances:
              # Check network security controls
              if instance.network_config.firewall_rules == []:
                  # Add necessary firewall rules
                  firewall_rule = compute_v1.FirewallRule(...)
                  compute_client.insert(project=project_id, firewall_rule=firewall_rule)
  3. Enable logging and monitoring:

    • Use the google-cloud-sdk library to retrieve the list of GCP Compute instances.

    • Iterate through each instance and enable logging and monitoring.

    • Use the googleapiclient library to update the instance settings and enable necessary logging and monitoring.

    • Example Python script:

      from google.cloud import compute_v1
      def enable_logging_and_monitoring(project_id):
          compute_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()
          instances = compute_client.list(project=project_id)
          for instance in instances:
              # Enable logging and monitoring
              instance.logging_config.enable = True
              instance.monitoring_config.enable = True
              compute_client.update(project=project_id, instance=instance)