Event Information

  • The google.logging.v2.ConfigServiceV2.CreateSink event in GCP for Logging refers to the creation of a sink, which is a configuration that determines where log entries are exported to.
  • This event indicates that a new sink has been created in the Google Cloud Logging service, allowing log entries to be exported to a specified destination, such as BigQuery, Cloud Storage, or Pub/Sub.
  • The event provides information about the sink configuration, including the sink name, destination, filter criteria, and other relevant details. It helps track and audit the creation of sinks in the GCP environment.


  1. Unauthorized access: If proper access controls are not implemented, an unauthorized user may be able to create a sink in the Logging service. This can lead to potential security breaches, as the unauthorized user may gain access to sensitive logs or redirect logs to an unauthorized destination.

  2. Misconfiguration: Improper configuration of the sink can also impact security. For example, if the sink is configured to send logs to an insecure or untrusted destination, it can expose sensitive information to unauthorized parties. It is important to ensure that the sink is configured correctly and securely, with appropriate encryption and access controls in place.

  3. Data leakage: If the sink is misconfigured or if the destination is not properly secured, it can result in data leakage. Sensitive logs may be exposed to unauthorized users or stored in an insecure location, leading to potential data breaches. It is crucial to regularly review and monitor the sink configuration to prevent any potential data leakage incidents.


Using Console

  1. Enable GCP Logging:
  • Open the GCP Console and navigate to the Logging page.
  • Click on “Logs Explorer” in the left-hand menu.
  • Select the project for which you want to enable logging.
  • Click on “Create Sink” to create a new log sink.
  • Choose the log type you want to enable (e.g., Admin Activity, Data Access, System Event, etc.).
  • Configure the filter to specify the logs you want to collect.
  • Choose the destination for the logs (e.g., BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Pub/Sub, etc.).
  • Click on “Create Sink” to enable logging for the selected log type.
  1. Create Log-Based Metrics:
  • Open the GCP Console and navigate to the Logging page.
  • Click on “Metrics Explorer” in the left-hand menu.
  • Click on “Create Metric” to create a new log-based metric.
  • Specify the log filter to match the logs you want to include in the metric.
  • Configure the aggregation method and interval for the metric.
  • Optionally, add additional conditions or exclusions to further refine the metric.
  • Click on “Create Metric” to save the log-based metric.
  1. Set Up Log-Based Alerts:
  • Open the GCP Console and navigate to the Monitoring page.
  • Click on “Alerting” in the left-hand menu.
  • Click on “Create Policy” to create a new alerting policy.
  • Specify the conditions for the alert based on the log-based metric you created.
  • Configure the notification channels to receive alerts (e.g., email, SMS, etc.).
  • Optionally, set up additional actions or documentation for the alert.
  • Click on “Save” to create the alerting policy and start receiving alerts based on the specified conditions.

Using CLI

  1. Enable GCP Logging for a specific project:

    • Use the command gcloud logging project-logs enable [PROJECT_ID] to enable GCP Logging for a specific project.
    • Replace [PROJECT_ID] with the ID of the project you want to enable logging for.
  2. Create a GCP Logging sink to export logs to Cloud Storage:

    • Use the command gcloud logging sinks create [SINK_NAME] storage.googleapis.com/[BUCKET_NAME] --log-filter="[LOG_FILTER]" to create a logging sink.
    • Replace [SINK_NAME] with the desired name for the sink.
    • Replace [BUCKET_NAME] with the name of the Cloud Storage bucket where you want to export the logs.
    • Replace [LOG_FILTER] with the filter expression to specify the logs you want to export.
  3. Configure GCP Logging to send logs to Cloud Pub/Sub:

    • Use the command gcloud logging sinks create [SINK_NAME] pubsub.googleapis.com/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/topics/[TOPIC_NAME] --log-filter="[LOG_FILTER]" to create a logging sink.
    • Replace [SINK_NAME] with the desired name for the sink.
    • Replace [PROJECT_ID] with the ID of the project.
    • Replace [TOPIC_NAME] with the name of the Cloud Pub/Sub topic where you want to send the logs.
    • Replace [LOG_FILTER] with the filter expression to specify the logs you want to send.

Using Python

To remediate GCP Logging issues using Python, you can use the following approaches:

  1. Enable GCP Logging API:

    • Use the google-cloud-logging library to enable the GCP Logging API.
    • Install the library using pip install google-cloud-logging.
    • Use the following Python script to enable the GCP Logging API:
    from google.cloud import logging_v2
    def enable_logging_api(project_id):
        client = logging_v2.LoggingServiceV2Client()
        project_name = f"projects/{project_id}"
        client.update_project(project_name, {"logging_service": "logging.googleapis.com"})
  2. Create a Log Sink:

    • Use the google-cloud-logging library to create a log sink.
    • Install the library using pip install google-cloud-logging.
    • Use the following Python script to create a log sink:
    from google.cloud import logging_v2
    def create_log_sink(project_id, sink_name, destination_bucket):
        client = logging_v2.ConfigServiceV2Client()
        project_name = f"projects/{project_id}"
        sink = {
            "name": sink_name,
            "destination": f"storage.googleapis.com/{destination_bucket}",
            "filter": "severity >= ERROR",
        client.create_sink(project_name, sink)
    create_log_sink("your-project-id", "your-sink-name", "your-destination-bucket")
  3. Export Logs to BigQuery:

    • Use the google-cloud-logging library to export logs to BigQuery.
    • Install the library using pip install google-cloud-logging.
    • Use the following Python script to export logs to BigQuery:
    from google.cloud import logging_v2
    def export_logs_to_bigquery(project_id, dataset_id, table_id):
        client = logging_v2.ConfigServiceV2Client()
        project_name = f"projects/{project_id}"
        destination = f"bigquery.googleapis.com/projects/{project_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/tables/{table_id}"
        sink = {
            "name": "export-logs-to-bigquery",
            "destination": destination,
            "filter": "severity >= ERROR",
        client.create_sink(project_name, sink)
    export_logs_to_bigquery("your-project-id", "your-dataset-id", "your-table-id")

Please note that you need to replace the placeholders (your-project-id, your-sink-name, your-destination-bucket, your-dataset-id, your-table-id) with the actual values specific to your GCP environment.