Event Information

  • The google.monitoring.v3.MetricService.CreateMetricDescriptor event in GCP for Monitoring refers to the creation of a new metric descriptor.
  • A metric descriptor defines the metadata for a custom metric that can be collected and monitored in GCP.
  • This event indicates that a user or application has created a new custom metric descriptor, which can then be used to collect and analyze specific data points within GCP.


  1. Unauthorized access: If security is impacted with google.monitoring.v3.MetricService.CreateMetricDescriptor in GCP for Monitoring, it could indicate that unauthorized individuals or entities have gained access to the metric descriptor creation functionality. This could potentially allow them to create malicious or unauthorized metric descriptors, leading to inaccurate or misleading monitoring data.

  2. Data integrity compromise: Security impact with google.monitoring.v3.MetricService.CreateMetricDescriptor in GCP for Monitoring could also suggest a compromise in the integrity of the metric descriptor creation process. This could result in the creation of metric descriptors that are tampered with or modified in a way that affects the accuracy and reliability of monitoring data.

  3. Privilege escalation: Another security concern with google.monitoring.v3.MetricService.CreateMetricDescriptor in GCP for Monitoring is the potential for privilege escalation. If unauthorized users are able to exploit vulnerabilities in the metric descriptor creation functionality, they may be able to gain elevated privileges or access to sensitive resources within the monitoring system, leading to further security breaches.


Using Console

  1. Enable GCP Monitoring:
  • Log in to the GCP Console.
  • Navigate to the Monitoring page.
  • Click on “Enable Monitoring” to enable monitoring for your GCP resources.
  1. Set up Monitoring Alerts:
  • In the GCP Console, go to the Monitoring page.
  • Click on “Create Alerting Policy” to create a new alerting policy.
  • Define the conditions for the alert based on the specific event you want to monitor.
  • Specify the notification channels to receive alerts (e.g., email, SMS, etc.).
  • Save the alerting policy.
  1. Configure Monitoring Dashboards:
  • In the GCP Console, go to the Monitoring page.
  • Click on “Create Dashboard” to create a new dashboard.
  • Add the relevant charts and metrics to the dashboard based on the events you want to monitor.
  • Customize the layout and appearance of the dashboard as per your preference.
  • Save the dashboard for future reference.

Note: These steps provide a high-level overview of how to remediate the issues using GCP Monitoring. The actual steps may vary depending on the specific event and requirements. It is recommended to refer to the official GCP documentation for detailed instructions.

Using CLI

  1. Enable GCP Monitoring for a project:
  • Use the gcloud command to enable GCP Monitoring for a specific project:
    gcloud services enable monitoring.googleapis.com --project [PROJECT_ID]
  1. Create a custom metric in GCP Monitoring:
  • Use the gcloud command to create a custom metric:
    gcloud monitoring metrics create [METRIC_NAME] \
      --project=[PROJECT_ID] \
      --display-name=[DISPLAY_NAME] \
      --description=[DESCRIPTION] \
      --metric-kind=[METRIC_KIND] \
      --value-type=[VALUE_TYPE] \
  1. Create an alert policy in GCP Monitoring:
  • Use the gcloud command to create an alert policy:
    gcloud alpha monitoring policies create [POLICY_NAME] \
      --project=[PROJECT_ID] \
      --display-name=[DISPLAY_NAME] \
      --condition=[CONDITION] \

Using Python

To remediate GCP Monitoring issues using Python, you can utilize the following approaches:

  1. Automating resource creation and configuration:

    • Use the Google Cloud Client Library for Python to programmatically create and configure monitoring resources such as uptime checks, alerting policies, and dashboards.
    • Example script:
      from google.cloud import monitoring_v3
      def create_uptime_check(project_id, display_name, http_check):
          client = monitoring_v3.UptimeCheckServiceClient()
          parent = client.project_path(project_id)
          check = monitoring_v3.UptimeCheckConfig(display_name=display_name, http_check=http_check)
          response = client.create_uptime_check_config(parent, check)
          print('Uptime check created:', response)
      create_uptime_check('your-project-id', 'My Uptime Check', {'host': 'example.com', 'path': '/'})
  2. Implementing automated alerting:

    • Use the Google Cloud Pub/Sub client library for Python to publish alert notifications to a Pub/Sub topic.
    • Example script:
      from google.cloud import pubsub_v1
      def publish_alert(project_id, topic_name, message):
          publisher = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
          topic_path = publisher.topic_path(project_id, topic_name)
          data = message.encode('utf-8')
          future = publisher.publish(topic_path, data)
          print('Alert published:', future.result())
      publish_alert('your-project-id', 'my-topic', 'High CPU utilization detected!')
  3. Creating custom monitoring metrics:

    • Use the Google Cloud Monitoring API to create custom metrics and collect specific data points from your applications or services.
    • Example script:
      from google.cloud import monitoring_v3
      def create_custom_metric(project_id, metric_type, metric_kind, value_type):
          client = monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient()
          project_name = client.project_path(project_id)
          metric_descriptor = monitoring_v3.types.MetricDescriptor()
          metric_descriptor.type = f'custom.googleapis.com/{metric_type}'
          metric_descriptor.metric_kind = metric_kind
          metric_descriptor.value_type = value_type
          response = client.create_metric_descriptor(project_name, metric_descriptor)
          print('Custom metric created:', response)
      create_custom_metric('your-project-id', 'my_custom_metric', 'GAUGE', 'DOUBLE')

Please note that the provided scripts are just examples and may require additional modifications based on your specific use case and requirements.