Event Information


  • The Clear Log Activities event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that someone has attempted to clear or delete the logs of a specific resource or pod.
  • This event could be a potential security concern as it may indicate an attempt to cover up malicious activities or hide evidence of unauthorized access.
  • To investigate this event, you can use the following commands:
    • Check the audit logs of the Kubernetes API server to identify the user or service account responsible for the log clearing activity: kubectl logs -n kube-system <api-server-pod-name>
    • Review the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) configuration to ensure that only authorized users have the necessary permissions to modify or delete logs.
    • Monitor the system for any suspicious activities or unauthorized access attempts that may have led to the log clearing event.


  1. Use the Kubernetes Python client library to create a Python script that interacts with the Kubernetes API.
  2. Use the kubectl command to get the list of pods in the cluster: kubectl get pods.
  3. Iterate through the list of pods and delete the logs for each pod using the kubectl logs command: kubectl logs <pod_name> --namespace=<namespace> --clear.

Note: Make sure to replace <pod_name> with the actual name of the pod and <namespace> with the appropriate namespace where the pod is running.