Event Information


  • The Debugfs Launched in Privileged Container event indicates that a privileged container within the Kubernetes cluster has launched the debugfs filesystem.
  • Debugfs is a virtual filesystem that provides access to kernel data structures for debugging purposes. It is typically used by developers or system administrators to troubleshoot and analyze kernel-related issues.
  • This event may indicate a potential security risk, as the debugfs filesystem can expose sensitive information and provide unauthorized access to the underlying kernel. It is important to investigate and address this event to ensure compliance with security best practices.

To investigate and address this event, you can:

  1. Identify the privileged container that launched the debugfs filesystem by using the kubectl describe command on the corresponding pod. Look for any containers with privileged access.
  2. Review the container’s configuration and deployment manifests to determine why it requires privileged access and if it is necessary for its intended functionality. Consider whether it can be redesigned to operate without privileged access.
  3. If privileged access is indeed required, ensure that appropriate security measures are in place, such as restricting access to the container and monitoring its activities closely. Consider implementing additional security controls, such as using Pod Security Policies or Kubernetes RBAC, to limit the scope of privileged containers.


To remediate the event “Debugfs Launched in Privileged Container” using the Python Kubernetes API, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the affected privileged container:

    • Use the Kubernetes API to list all the pods in the cluster: kubectl get pods -o wide
    • Look for the pod that triggered the event and note its name and namespace.
  2. Update the pod’s manifest file:

    • Retrieve the pod’s manifest file using the Kubernetes API: kubectl get pod <pod-name> -n <namespace> -o yaml > pod.yaml
    • Open the pod.yaml file and locate the container that is running in privileged mode.
    • Remove the securityContext section or set privileged: false for the container.
    • Save the changes to the pod.yaml file.
  3. Apply the updated manifest file:

    • Use the Kubernetes API to apply the updated manifest file: kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

Note: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to modify the pod’s manifest file and apply changes to the cluster.