Event Information


  • The “Detect release_agent File Container Escapes” event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that a container within the cluster has attempted to escape its runtime environment by modifying the release_agent file.
  • The release_agent file is a special file in the Linux kernel that is executed when a container exits. By modifying this file, a container can potentially execute arbitrary commands or escape its isolation.
  • This event is a security concern as it may indicate an attempt to gain unauthorized access or compromise the integrity of the cluster. It is important to investigate and remediate this event promptly to ensure compliance with security standards.

To investigate and remediate this event, you can:

  1. Identify the affected container by checking the container ID or name mentioned in the event details.
  2. Inspect the container’s configuration and runtime environment using the kubectl describe pod <pod_name> command to identify any misconfigurations or vulnerabilities.
  3. Take appropriate actions to secure the affected container, such as updating the container image, patching vulnerabilities, or implementing stricter security policies.


  1. Identify the affected pod(s) by checking the output field in the event. This field contains the name of the pod that triggered the event. You can use the following command to get the pod name:

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --field-selector metadata.name=<pod_name>
  2. Once you have identified the affected pod, create a Kubernetes manifest file (e.g., remediation.yaml) with the following content:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: <new_pod_name>
      - name: <container_name>
        image: <container_image>
          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false

    Replace <new_pod_name> with a new name for the pod, <container_name> with the name of the affected container, and <container_image> with the image used by the container.

  3. Apply the remediation manifest using the following command:

    kubectl apply -f remediation.yaml

    This will create a new pod with the specified security context, preventing privilege escalation.

Note: Make sure to review and test the remediation script in a non-production environment before applying it to your production cluster.