Event Information


  • The Interpreted procs inbound network activity event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that a process running within a container is receiving incoming network traffic.
  • This event could be triggered when a containerized application is accepting network connections from external sources.
  • It is important to investigate this event to ensure that the inbound network activity is expected and compliant with the security policies and compliance standards in place.

To investigate this event in a Kubernetes cluster, you can use the following commands:

  1. List all pods in the cluster: kubectl get pods
  2. Describe the specific pod associated with the event: kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
  3. Check the logs of the container within the pod to gather more information: kubectl logs <pod_name> -c <container_name>


  1. Create a Kubernetes Deployment manifest file to deploy a Python script that uses the Kubernetes API to monitor and block inbound network activity of interpreted processes.

    • Use the apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields to define the Deployment.
    • Set the replicas field to 1 to ensure only one instance of the script is running.
    • Specify the container image that contains the Python script in the spec.template.spec.containers field.
    • Mount the necessary Kubernetes API credentials as a volume in the container.
    • Set the command field to execute the Python script.
  2. Create a Kubernetes NetworkPolicy manifest file to restrict inbound network traffic to the deployed Python script.

    • Use the apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields to define the NetworkPolicy.
    • Specify the spec.podSelector field to select the pods running the Python script.
    • Define the spec.ingress field to specify the allowed inbound traffic rules.
    • Set the ports field to restrict traffic to specific ports or port ranges.
    • Specify the from field to restrict traffic based on source IP addresses or namespaces.
  3. Apply the generated manifest files using kubectl to deploy the Python script and enforce the NetworkPolicy.

    • Use kubectl apply -f <deployment_manifest_file> to deploy the Python script.
    • Use kubectl apply -f <networkpolicy_manifest_file> to enforce the NetworkPolicy.
    • Verify the deployment and NetworkPolicy using kubectl get deployments and kubectl get networkpolicies.

Note: Make sure to customize the manifest files according to your specific requirements, such as specifying the correct container image, API credentials, and network traffic rules.