Event Information


  • Indicates that a Kubernetes client tool was launched inside a container within the cluster, which could potentially be a security concern.
  • It is important to investigate the source and purpose of this tool to ensure it complies with security policies and standards.
  • To further analyze this event, you can use kubectl to inspect the pod where the tool was launched:
    kubectl describe pod <pod_name>


  • Create a Kubernetes Pod manifest file with a Python container that includes the necessary Python Kubernetes API library.
  • Use a Kubernetes ServiceAccount with appropriate RBAC permissions to interact with the Kubernetes API.
  • Write a Python script that uses the Kubernetes API to list and delete the offending Pod(s) based on the event criteria.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: remediation-pod
  - name: remediation-container
    image: python:latest
    command: ["python", "-c"]
    - |
      # Python script using Kubernetes API to list and delete Pods
kubectl apply -f remediation-pod.yaml
kubectl exec -it remediation-pod -- /bin/bash
# Execute the Python script inside the container
kubectl delete pod remediation-pod