Event Information


  • The Launch Remote File Copy Tools in Container event indicates that a process within a container is attempting to use remote file copy tools, such as scp or rsync, to transfer files to or from the container.
  • This event could potentially indicate unauthorized data exfiltration or the introduction of malicious files into the container.
  • To investigate this event, you can use kubectl to inspect the container and its processes, check for any suspicious files or network connections, and review the container’s security policies and access controls.


To remediate the event “Launch Remote File Copy Tools in Container” using the Python Kubernetes API, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the affected pod:

    • Use the Kubernetes API to list all pods in the cluster: kubectl get pods
    • Look for the pod that triggered the event based on the pod name or other identifying information.
  2. Delete the affected pod:

    • Use the Python Kubernetes API to delete the pod identified in the previous step.
    • Example code snippet to delete a pod using the Python Kubernetes API:
      from kubernetes import client, config
      # Load the Kubernetes configuration
      # Create the Kubernetes API client
      api = client.CoreV1Api()
      # Delete the pod
      api.delete_namespaced_pod(name="pod-name", namespace="namespace")
  3. Investigate and mitigate the root cause:

    • Analyze the pod’s configuration and deployment files to identify how the remote file copy tools were launched.
    • Update the deployment or pod configuration to remove any unauthorized or suspicious commands or containers.
    • Apply the updated configuration using the Python Kubernetes API or by using kubectl apply -f <filename>.

Remember to test the remediation script in a non-production environment before applying it to your production cluster.