Event Information


  • This event indicates that a program running in the Kubernetes cluster is attempting to use an HTTP proxy environment variable that is not allowed.
  • It suggests that the program is trying to bypass network restrictions or security measures by using an unauthorized proxy.
  • This event could be a potential violation of compliance standards, as it may indicate an attempt to access unauthorized resources or bypass network monitoring.

To investigate and mitigate this event, you can:

  • Identify the specific program causing the event by checking the proc.name field in the event output.
  • Use kubectl exec to access the container running the program and inspect its environment variables using the command kubectl exec <pod-name> -- env.
  • Remove or modify the disallowed HTTP proxy environment variable from the program’s configuration or deployment manifest.
  • Ensure that only authorized HTTP proxy environment variables are allowed in the cluster, following compliance standards and security best practices.


  1. Identify the pod that triggered the event:

    • Use kubectl get pods to list all the pods in the cluster.
    • Look for the pod that triggered the event based on the timestamp or other relevant information.
  2. Update the pod’s YAML manifest file:

    • Use kubectl get pod <pod_name> -o yaml > pod.yaml to export the pod’s YAML manifest to a file.
    • Open the pod.yaml file and locate the env section under spec.containers.
    • Remove or comment out any environment variables related to the disallowed http proxy.
  3. Apply the updated manifest file:

    • Use kubectl apply -f pod.yaml to apply the changes and update the pod.

    • Verify that the pod is running without the disallowed http proxy environment variable using kubectl get pods or kubectl describe pod <pod_name>.