Event Information


  • PTRACE attached to process event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that a process is being traced by another process using the PTRACE system call.
  • This event can be a potential security concern as it may indicate unauthorized debugging or monitoring of processes within the cluster.
  • To investigate further, you can use the following kubectl command to list all running pods in the cluster: kubectl get pods. Then, inspect the logs of the suspicious pod using: kubectl logs <pod_name>.


  1. Identify the affected pod and its container:

    • Use the kubectl get pods command to list all the pods in the cluster.
    • Look for the pod that triggered the PTRACE event.
    • Identify the container within the pod that is associated with the event.
  2. Patch the pod’s security context:

    • Use the kubectl patch command to update the pod’s security context.
    • Specify the pod name, namespace, and container name in the command.
    • Set the securityContext field to disable the ptrace capability for the container.
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
         name: <pod-name>
         namespace: <namespace>
      - name: <container-name>
         image: <container-image>
               - SYS_PTRACE
  3. Apply the changes to the pod:

    • Use the kubectl apply command to apply the updated manifest file.
    • Specify the path to the modified manifest file in the command.
    • The changes will be applied to the pod, disabling the ptrace capability for the affected container.


# Identify the affected pod and container
kubectl get pods

# Use the kubectl patch command to drop the SYS_PTRACE capability:
kubectl patch pod <pod-name> -n <namespace> --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/containers/0/securityContext/capabilities/drop", "value": ["SYS_PTRACE"]}]'

# Apply the changes to the pod
kubectl apply -f <path-to-modified-manifest-file>

Note: Replace <pod-name>, <namespace>, <container-name>, and <path-to-modified-manifest-file> with the appropriate values for your environment.