Event Information


  • The “Read environment variable from proc files” event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that a process running within a container is attempting to read environment variables from the /proc filesystem.
  • This event could potentially indicate a security concern, as reading environment variables from /proc can expose sensitive information such as passwords or API keys.
  • To investigate this event, you can use the kubectl command to check the logs of the container where the event occurred. For example, you can use “kubectl logs <pod_name> -c <container_name>” to view the logs and look for any suspicious activity related to reading environment variables from /proc.


  1. Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap to store the environment variables:

    • Create a YAML file named configmap.yaml with the following content:
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: env-vars
        MY_ENV_VAR: <value>
    • Replace <value> with the desired value for the environment variable.
    • Apply the ConfigMap using the following command:
      kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
  2. Update the deployment to use the ConfigMap:

    • Modify the YAML file of the deployment that reads the environment variable from /proc files.
    • Add the envFrom field under the spec.template.spec.containers section:
        - configMapRef:
            name: env-vars
    • Apply the updated deployment using the following command:
      kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  3. Verify the environment variable is being read correctly:

    • Check the logs of the pod associated with the deployment to ensure the environment variable is being read correctly.
      kubectl logs <pod-name>
    • Look for the output that confirms the environment variable value is as expected.

Note: Make sure to replace <pod-name> with the actual name of the pod associated with the deployment.