Event Information


  • The “Read sensitive file untrusted” event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that a process running within a container attempted to read a file that contains sensitive information, such as passwords, private keys, or configuration files.
  • This event suggests that there might be a potential security breach or unauthorized access to sensitive data within the cluster.
  • It is crucial to investigate this event promptly to identify the source of the unauthorized access and take appropriate actions to mitigate the risk, such as reviewing access controls, securing the sensitive files, and monitoring for any further suspicious activities.


  1. Identify the pod that triggered the event:

    • Use kubectl get pods to list all the pods in the cluster.
    • Look for the pod that triggered the event based on the pod name or other identifying information.
  2. Delete the pod:

    • Use kubectl delete pod <pod-name> to delete the pod that triggered the event.
    • This will terminate the pod and prevent further unauthorized access to sensitive files.
  3. Investigate and fix the root cause:

    • Analyze the pod’s configuration and deployment files to identify any misconfigurations or vulnerabilities that allowed the unauthorized access.
    • Update the deployment or pod configuration to ensure that only trusted containers and volumes are used, and sensitive files are properly secured.

Note: The remediation script should be executed with caution, as it will delete the pod and potentially disrupt the application running inside it. Make sure to test the changes in a non-production environment before applying them to production.