Event Information


  • The Read Shell Configuration File event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that a process running within a container has attempted to read a shell configuration file, such as “.bashrc” or “.bash_profile”.
  • This event could potentially indicate an unauthorized access attempt or an attempt to modify the shell environment variables, which could lead to security vulnerabilities.
  • To investigate this event, you can use the following kubectl command to check the logs of the container where the event occurred: kubectl logs <pod_name> -c <container_name>. This will help you identify the specific process and container involved in the event.


To remediate the event “Read Shell Configuration File” using the Python Kubernetes API, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the affected Pod:

    • Use the event details to find the Pod name and namespace.
    • Run the following command to get the Pod’s details:
      kubectl get pod <pod-name> -n <namespace> -o yaml
  2. Update the Pod’s security context:

    • Add a security context to the Pod’s YAML manifest file.
    • Set the readOnlyRootFilesystem field to true to prevent any write access to the root filesystem.
    • Set the allowPrivilegeEscalation field to false to prevent privilege escalation.
    • Apply the changes to the Pod:
      kubectl apply -f <path-to-pod-manifest.yaml>
  3. Monitor and validate the changes:

    • Check the Pod’s logs to ensure that the event is no longer triggered.
    • Monitor the cluster for any new events related to shell configuration file reads.
    • Continuously review and update the Pod’s security context based on best practices and compliance standards.

Note: Make sure to replace <pod-name>, <namespace>, and <path-to-pod-manifest.yaml> with the actual values specific to your environment.