Event Information


  • The “Search Private Keys or Passwords” event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that there has been an attempt to search for private keys or passwords within the cluster.
  • This event could potentially indicate a security breach or an unauthorized attempt to access sensitive information.
  • It is crucial to investigate this event promptly to identify the source of the search and take appropriate actions to mitigate any potential security risks.

To investigate this event in a Kubernetes cluster, you can:

  • Use the kubectl logs command to check the logs of the relevant pods or containers involved in the event. Look for any suspicious activities or unauthorized access attempts.
  • Review the Kubernetes audit logs using the kubectl get events command to identify any abnormal activities related to the event.
  • Inspect the network traffic within the cluster using tools like Wireshark or tcpdump to identify any unusual communication patterns that might be associated with the event.


  1. Identify the affected pod(s) by searching for the event in the Kubernetes logs or by using the output. You can use the following command to search for the specific event in the logs:

    kubectl logs <pod_name> -n <namespace> | grep "Search Private Keys or Passwords"
  2. Once you have identified the affected pod(s), create a Kubernetes manifest file (e.g., remediation.yaml) to update the pod(s) with the necessary changes. For example, you can add an init container to scan for and remove any private keys or passwords. Here’s an example of a remediation manifest:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: <pod_name>
      namespace: <namespace>
        - name: remediation-container
          image: python:latest
          command: ["python", "-c"]
            - |
              # Add your Python script here to remove private keys or passwords
              # Example:
              import os
              os.system("find /path/to/search -name '*.pem' -delete")
        - name: main-container
          image: <original_image>
          # Add the rest of the container spec as per your requirements
  3. Apply the remediation manifest using the following command:

    kubectl apply -f remediation.yaml

    This will update the affected pod(s) with the init container that performs the necessary remediation actions, such as removing private keys or passwords. Ensure that you replace <pod_name>, <namespace>, and <original_image> with the appropriate values for your environment.