Event Information


  • The Set Setuid or Setgid bit event in a Kubernetes cluster refers to a situation where a file or directory has its Setuid or Setgid bit set.
  • The Setuid (Set User ID) bit allows a user to execute a file with the permissions of the file’s owner, while the Setgid (Set Group ID) bit allows a user to execute a file with the permissions of the file’s group.
  • This event can indicate a potential security risk as it may allow unauthorized users to gain elevated privileges or access sensitive information. It is important to investigate and remediate such events to ensure compliance with security standards.

To investigate and remediate this event in a Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Identify the specific file or directory that triggered the event using the provided details in the event log.
  2. Use the kubectl command to inspect the permissions of the file or directory:
    kubectl exec <pod_name> -- ls -l <file_path>
  3. If the Setuid or Setgid bit is set, remove it using the chmod command:
    kubectl exec <pod_name> -- chmod u-s <file_path>
    kubectl exec <pod_name> -- chmod g-s <file_path>
    Ensure that the appropriate permissions are set to maintain security and compliance standards.


To remediate the event “Set Setuid or Setgid bit” using the Python Kubernetes API, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the affected pod:

    • Use the Kubernetes API to list all pods in the cluster: kubectl get pods -o wide
    • Look for the pod that triggered the event based on the pod name or other identifying information.
  2. Update the pod’s security context:

    • Retrieve the pod’s YAML manifest using the Kubernetes API: kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o yaml > pod.yaml
    • Open the pod.yaml file and locate the container section for the affected pod.
    • Add or modify the securityContext section to remove the setuid and setgid bits. For example:
        - name: <container-name>
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
            runAsUser: <user-id>
            runAsGroup: <group-id>
              add: []
    • Save the changes to pod.yaml.
  3. Apply the updated manifest to the cluster:

    • Use the Kubernetes API to apply the updated manifest: kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
    • Verify that the pod has been updated successfully: kubectl get pods

Note: Make sure to replace <pod-name>, <container-name>, <user-id>, and <group-id> with the appropriate values for your environment.