Event Information


  • The Unprivileged Delegation of Page Faults Handling to a Userspace Process event in a Kubernetes cluster refers to a situation where a process running in a container is allowed to handle page faults directly, without the need for kernel intervention.
  • This event can indicate a potential security risk, as it allows a user-level process to access and manipulate memory directly, bypassing the kernel’s memory management mechanisms.
  • To investigate this event, you can use the following kubectl command to check the security context of the container: kubectl get pod <pod_name> -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].securityContext}'. Ensure that the container’s security context does not have any privileged settings that could enable unprivileged delegation of page faults handling.

Compliance considerations:

  • This event may violate compliance standards that require strict separation of user-level and kernel-level memory management.
  • Ensure that the Kubernetes cluster is configured to enforce appropriate security policies, such as preventing containers from running with privileged settings.
  • Regularly audit and monitor container security settings to detect and mitigate any instances of unprivileged delegation of page faults handling.


  1. Create a Kubernetes Deployment manifest file to deploy a Python script that will handle the page faults handling within the cluster.

    • Use the apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields to define the Deployment.
    • Set the replicas field to ensure the desired number of pods running the script.
    • Specify the container image that contains the Python script using the image field.
    • Mount any necessary volumes or configmaps to provide the required resources to the script.
  2. Use the Kubernetes ServiceAccount and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict the privileges of the Deployment.

    • Create a ServiceAccount manifest file to define a new service account for the Deployment.
    • Create a Role manifest file to define the necessary permissions for the ServiceAccount.
    • Create a RoleBinding manifest file to bind the Role to the ServiceAccount.
    • Apply the ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding manifests using kubectl apply -f <manifest-file>.
  3. Update the Deployment manifest file to use the newly created ServiceAccount.

    • Add the serviceAccountName field to the Deployment manifest and set it to the name of the ServiceAccount created in step 2.
    • Apply the updated Deployment manifest using kubectl apply -f <manifest-file>.

Note: The Python script itself should handle the unprivileged delegation of page faults handling to a userspace process. The script can use the Kubernetes Python API client to interact with the Kubernetes API and perform the necessary actions to remediate the event.