Event Information


  • The “Write below root” event in a Kubernetes cluster indicates that a process running within a container attempted to write or modify files or directories that are located below the root directory (”/”) of the file system.
  • This event can be a potential security concern as it may indicate unauthorized access or tampering with critical system files or directories.
  • To investigate and mitigate this event, you can:
    1. Identify the specific container and pod where the event occurred using the Kubernetes cluster’s monitoring or logging tools.
    2. Inspect the process or application running within the container to determine the intent behind the write operation and whether it was legitimate or malicious.
    3. Review the container’s security policies and configurations to ensure that only authorized processes have write access to system files and directories below the root level.


  1. Create a Python script that uses the Kubernetes Python client library to interact with the Kubernetes API.
  2. Use the script to create a Kubernetes manifest file in the correct format to deploy a Pod with a Python container.
  3. In the manifest file, include a volume mount to mount the root filesystem of the host machine to the Pod.
  4. Inside the Python container, write a script that uses the os module to open and write to the file below the root directory.
  5. Build a Docker image with the Python script and push it to a container registry.
  6. Update the Kubernetes manifest file to use the newly built Docker image.
  7. Use the kubectl apply command to deploy the updated manifest file and remediate the event.

Note: It is important to consider the security implications of allowing a container to write below the root directory. Ensure that this remediation script is compliant with your organization’s security and compliance standards.